Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

deepsquats“When you set the bar on your shoulders, hold it low, grip wide, and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Pull the bar down on to you. Push your head back, not looking back, but neck into the bar. Arch your back HARD. This is ALL BEFORE YOU EVEN LIFT THE BAR OUT!! Then, arch the bar off the pegs, and back up into a wide stance. I do box squats, so I’ll explain it that way. You sit BACK BACK BACK. This takes ALOT of hammie and hip flexor strength. You rest just long enough on the box to do this one key thing: You release the hip flexor, and WITHOUT EVER LOSING THE ARCH IN YOUR BACK, you flex your GLUTES to pop back up…NOT YOUR QUADS. When you look at a side view, the end of the bar should be traveling straight up and down. If your lower back hurts, you’re doing it wrong.” Source Elite Fitness Forum