Sun. Mar 9th, 2025


Week 1: Without a doubt, the most crucial week of the entire program as you get accustomed to this demanding schedule and settling into a consistent exercise program. This is the first step towards getting into the best shape of your life—it’s up to you! Remember to take your time during each exercise and work the muscles through a complete range of motion.

Week 2: The second week is marked by a continued focus on mastering your fitness program. Remember to perform your cardiovascular training such as riding the stationary bike, swimming, jogging, wind sprints and the cross-trainer.

Week 3: Your routine is becoming more natural and requires less thinking. Your confidence is building and you are feeling mentally focused. Aim high and don’t look back!

Week 4: You are at the half way mark. You may notice that you have become a bit stronger

and your clothes fit you better. Someone may have asked you, “Are you losing weight?â€?

Pick up the intensity, increase the amount of weight you lift, and maintain your focus.

Be all you can be!

Week 5: You start to feel a bit tired and your focus may be waning, stay strong! “Remember that your body is going to do all that it can to keep you at your current state, so don’t let it hold you back. Keep fighting to get better and stay as focused as possible,â€? says Watson.

Weeks 6: The following are words to keep you motivated and inspired as you

get closer and closer to your goal.

· Motivation

· Dedication

· Consistency

· Self-Confidence

· Persistence

· Vision

· Personal Courage

· Enthusiasm

· Vigor

· Resilience

Week 7: As you near the end of the challenge, motivation is at an all time high. Remember, physical fitness is a lifestyle, not something to do for 8-weeks and quit. One week to go for mission accomplishment! All of your efforts and suffering have been directed toward next week and some of the benefits will be how great you look and the determination you displayed, especially when dealing with obstacles.

Week 8: Congratulations Sir/Ma’am on taking charge of your life. Your dogged determination and relentless pursuit of excellence paved the way to your success. I salute you for sticking to it and completing this demanding course. Take a few days of leave but don’t stray too far! New goals and challenges await you.


At the end of the 8-weeks you will be totally amazed at the transformation you have gone through. You will have lost pounds and inches but you will have gained confidence, strength, dedication, and the ability to do what it takes to achieve your predetermined goals. Like a member of the elite Special Forces, your body is a lean, mean fighting machine and the envy of all. So walk with pep in your step, head held high and shoulders back–you have earned the right to be a fitness soldier! Now I charge you, as a shining example of a physically fit person, to accept an important mission—march forward and spread the word on the positive benefits of physical activity and help fight the war on obesity facing our great nation!

Rob Wilkins is a Technical Sergeant in the US Air Force stationed at The Pentagon, Washington, DC. Wilkins is also a Special Assistant to the International Federation of Bodybuilders (IFBB) and a recipient of the IFBB Gold Medal. To contact Wilkins e-mail him at