Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025


Female Muscle has a full gallery for each competitor…read more to see your favorite!

I am sure there are very few people suprised by Adela Garcia topping out as Ms. International Fitness. Her routine was on point and her physique was dialed in as always. In fact there wasn’t a girl in the top five that didn’t rove to be the best in the industry!

Fitness International

1. Adela Garcia (2009 Ms. Fitness Olympia)
2. Julie Palmer (just won the Phoenix Pro Feb 10)
3. Tanji Johnson
4. Trish Warren
5. Oksana Grishina
6. Camala Rodriguez
7. Tina Durkin
8. Regiane DaSilva (tie)
8. Myriam Capes (tie)
10. Nicole Duncan
11. Bethany Wagner
12. Kizzy Vaines
13. Sylvia Tremblay
14. Kayde Pucket
15. Allison Ethier

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