Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

What do you think of ju jitsu in female wrestling? (here are poll results from as of this afternoon

26% (35) Love it!
25% (33) Hate it!
6% (9) Want more!
16% (21) Want less!
24% (32) It’s okay

130 voters have answered this question.

the poll post:

Personally, I’m tired of all the injuries caused because of ju jitsu and believe, that overall, it’s added a lot of boredom to female versus female matches.

Even at the WWC a couple of FEMWIN sponsored matches were affected including Krissy being choked-out and Kara Bliss not being able to wrestle after being injured against Helen Von Mott. Now I have the utmost respect for both Grace and Helen and they would NEVER intentionally hurt someone but nonetheless, I’ve witnessed numerous injuries when a girl doesn’t have training in ju jitsu and doesn’t know when to tap while in some kind of joint lock, etc., such was probably the case with Kara.

No doubt people will argue that injuries happen in wrestling, which is true, but in my experience it happens far more often when one girl has a lot more skill in ju jitsu than her opponent, also, it’s an unfair advantage and reminds me of a kickboxer going against a boxer. I really think the more training a girl has in ju jitsu the more important it is that she wrestles somebody with similar training.

As a producer I will say that ju jitsu has brought a lot of boredom to the genre. Although there are sexy elements to ju jitsu such as armbars and triangle chokes it seems the more ju jitsu a girl knows the less you’ll see of scissors, grapevines, smothers, crossbody presses, full-nelsons, headlocks, etc. But an even bigger problem is that you’ll see a lot more one-sided matches and I’m not talking about a sexy domination match or catfight! However, the BIGGEST problem is that you’ll see a lot of seemingly emotionless fights!

FEMWIN’s promoted well over 500 various matches and based on this I can say that ju jitsu does have a role in the genre but in my opinion it should be primarily ju jitsu versus ju jitsu and it’s a great equalizer for girls when they wrestle guys. Also, some of the best and sexiest matches involve girls who both have a little training in ju jitsu but not too much!