Thu. Dec 19th, 2024

Who say’s the women competing in the new physique division aren’t strong? Not me…in fact, as much as I love hardcore female muscle, I do like the retro look of the new physique class.

Enter Dana Linn Bailey, figure competitor turned physique star, 2010 NPC Jr. USA Overall Champion and the new physique divisions very first IFBB Pro. WOW! That was a mouthful, but well worth saying. This lady is amazing in so many aspects of the female muscle scene. Obviously she owns the prestige of being the very first IFBB Women’s Physique Pro, she is a successful business owner, super sexy fitness model, and is very popular product spokes model.

So why this article about physique competitor strength? Dana’s the reason. I came across a few videos of her lifting and I wanted to share one with you that was very impressive. In her past, she does have a powerlifting competition or 2 under her belt, and I believe her best bench is 205 lbs. I’ve heard, but haven’t seen anything official that she has actually done a 215 as well. I’m still waiting to see some video on that, but her 205 looked relatively easy for her. 6 weeks prior to the Jr. USA’s Dana easily put up 90 lb dumbbells on a flat bench.

Testosterone check… how many of you guys can put up 90s cleanly? Ahem… full reps boys……I thought so.

So check out the video from the Animal Cage at the 2011 Arnold… see how many reps Dana can bench her body weight of 128 lbs for.