Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Iris Kyle of Cypress, Texas is the winner of the Ms. International bodybuilding competition of the Arnold Sports Festival 2010.

Kyle received $25,000 from Steve Downs of MHP and a trophy presented by Brian Cavanaugh of GNC. She ws also congratulationed and presented a Tony Nowak jacket from Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone.

Other major prizes awarded in the Ms. International were:

* 2nd place: Yaxeni Oriquen-Garcia of Miami, FL, $13,000 presented by and a trophy from Animal.
* 3rd place: Debi Laszewski of Jupiter, FL, $8,000 presented by Gaspari Nurtition and a trophy from Amino Vital.
* 4th place: Lisa Aukland of Bel Air, MD, $5,000, presented by TwinLab and a trophy from MET-Rx.
* 5th place: Betty Pariso of Bedford, TX, $3,000, presented by Columbus Dispatch and a trophy from Optimum Nutrition.
* 6th place: Dayana Cadeau of Ft. Lauderdale, FL, $2,000 presented by Gold’s Gym and a trophy from Michelob Ultra.

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