Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Have more energy! Stick to your plan! Look like this!
Can you barely get off the couch little own get your workouts in? Sleeping eight hours a day yet still want to crush your alarm every morning?

If this describes the way you feel right now, have a look at the carbohydrate content in your diet. If you’re just hovering around 100 grams, either take this down to about 50-60 grams or kick it up to 150 grams.

Right around the 100 gram mark most people will feel tired because this is the tender spot where you sway in between being in and out of a state of ketosis. Not what most people would call fun.

If you want to do low-carb – do low carb.

If you don’t, DON’T!

Add a few more healthy carbs and chances are you’ll fix the problem immediately.