Wed. Jan 15th, 2025

From the Farmington Daily Times this week, more popular press coverage of female bodybuilding:

“FARMINGTON — They are fit. They are brawny. And they are mostly men.

Bodybuilders since 1880 have dieted, sculpted and polished their bodies into flawless perfection, then shown off their physiques in front of panels of judges. Nearly a century passed before female bodybuilders, in 1978, earned a chance to compete.

Rachelle Stephens, of Farmington, began dreaming of her moment in the spotlight when she first saw a bodybuilder.

But a series of roadblocks prevented her from reaching that goal. Until now.

Stephens, 38, will compete in March in the Arnold Schwarzenegger Fitness Expo, the crowning achievement in a bodybuilding career that has spanned the last four years.