Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Fat Loss Lie #5: Thermogenic “fat burners” that contain ephedrine and caffeine are the “end all – be all” of weight loss products

Xenadrine, Hydroxycut, Metabolife, Thermadrol, Diet Fuel, and Ripped Fuel. Ever heard of any of these? If not, you must have been living in a cave somewhere for the past few years because “thermogenic” fat burning pills have become the hottest weight loss craze in the history of the industry. Millions of dollars are spent on these products every year and there’s no end in sight to this fat burning pill feeding frenzy. But are these products all they’re made out to be? Let me set the record straight once and for all.

Open up any bodybuilding or fitness magazine these days and you’ll see multi-page advertisements boasting of amazing results, with dramatic photos of physiques allegedly transformed by using these products. One headline says “Proven to increase fat loss 1700%.” Another says “Burn up to 613% more fat!” Still another says “34 times more fat lost than control group.”

Frankly, the hype surrounding these products is starting to get out of hand.

Where did these numbers come from?

1700% or 613% or 34 times greater than WHAT?

It’s all too easy for supplement companies to cleverly take statistics out of context – just one of many sneaky tricks they have up their advertising sleeves. If any supplement really did burn 1700% more fat, there wouldn’t be any fat people left! But there are: There are more overweight people in the United States than ever before!

Don’t believe the hype! Thermogenic fat burners help you perhaps 5% at best. Yes, these products work, but they don’t work miracles.

Most of your results will come from hard training and a good diet. There are no magic bullets. Why is it that people just don’t seem to get this? It’s human nature, I suppose. We all want instant gratification, so it’s awfully easy to be swayed by the glossy four page magazine spreads with those mind blowing (doctored?) before and after photos.

Supplement companies are very shrewd marketers. Testimonials, endorsements, scientific studies and before and after photos are incredibly persuasive. Even the names of the products were carefully chosen: Do you think it’s any coincidence that the herbal supplement “Xenadrine” sounds a lot like the prescription drug Xenical? Not a week goes by that I don’t get an e-mail from someone asking me about the new “DRUG” Xenadrine.

My friend, listen carefully: If you want to lose body fat, get your diet and training program in order FIRST. Once you’re eating nutritiously, restricting your caloric intake, doing cardio and working out with weights, then and only then – and only if you have a clean bill of health – should you try a thermogenic herbal product if you need an extra boost.

I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again, there are no shortcuts. The “secret” to permanently losing body fat is not supplements or drugs, it is the combination of good nutrition and a solid training program.

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