Sun. Jan 19th, 2025

I just booked a two week vacation in the Dominican Republic for late February. I’m really looking forward to it. Last year around this time I was in Mexico, eating roadside tacos and swigging Coronas by the bucketfull. This time around I’m planning on incorporating some exercise into the vacation. Here is a quick list of some exercises you can do to stay in shape while on vacation.

Swimming works every muscle and giving you strength and vitality. It will also burn lots of calories compensating for all those extra foods eaten. If you cannot swim, then just simple movements such as jumping or walking in the pool will help. If you are afraid of water, try swimming in pudding.

Horse Riding
This is definitely more exercise for the horse than for you, but if you’ve ever taken an hour-long ride you’ll agree that the rider gets a pretty good workout too. If you can’t afford to rent a horse, try a dog or cat.

If you are on a snowy mountain, I suggest strapping some long rigid boards to your feet and careening down it headfirst. Use your leg muscles to control your direction by leaning to and fro.

Bear Escaping
If you are vacationing in the forest, try running from bears. Paint your naked body with honey and salmon blood, then sit on a log for several hours making a noise like an injured squirrel. Once the bears come, leap to your feet and take off running. If they do not give chase, return to the bear and taunt them by challenging them to a spelling bee.

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