Gyms Reopening Update
NEW YORK CITY -- It's the future of fitness centers in the COVID age, with social distance markers all over a Crunch gym location in Midtown, spin classes with only…
NEW YORK CITY -- It's the future of fitness centers in the COVID age, with social distance markers all over a Crunch gym location in Midtown, spin classes with only…
The UFC has been forced to change next weekend's main event.
She became interested in bodybuilding at age 14 when she saw a bodybuilding magazine that belonged to a college student who was staying with her family. While Thomas was a…
Nahla Monroe is gaining serious momentum in popularity.
Winter doesn’t seem to be ready to give up its grasp on the weather. Our fingers crossed that soon we will hear the chirping of birds, the buzzing of bees,…
And Amanda Holden had the perfect use for a giant chocolate cake made by her daughter Lexi, 14, on Easter Sunday - using the sweet treat as a kettlebell to…
Now on Talk Live!
Women's immune systems outperform those of men -- an inherent advantage that lengthens their lives and improves their overall health, according to genetic researcher Sharon Moalem.Getty Images/Tetra images RFSign up…
Amid all the rules to stay put during the coronavirus outbreak, there's a consistent companion message: it's important to keep moving. Exercise, outdoors and indoors, helps maintain good physical and mental health…