Wed. Feb 19th, 2025

Allison Warrell

Allison Warrell BeforeAllison Warrell After

I began typically as most people begin, FED UP! I first stepped into the gym at age 35. I was ready to make a change. My only agenda was to make myself happy and see what I could do for me. My husband loved me the way I was. My friends were used to “Allie the Party Girl”… pleasantly plump and the coolest LP (Little Person) you’ve ever met! Which brings me to my first quandary—being born with Achondroplasia Dwarfism standing at 3’11”.

The traditional approach was definitely out of the question since my skeletal/muscular system is proportioned and arranged differently than the average person. My genes are such that I’m predisposed to excess body fat and a mild estrogen imbalance. Regardless, I was determined!

I walked into the gym for the first time, completely unaware my life would be changed forever. I was armed with absolutely zero knowledge of fitness and nutrition. I did know that I needed guidance and was prepared to hire a personal trainer. Enter Matthew Crouch.

From our very first session together, I knew Matthew was the perfect fit for me. My stature and physical limitations paired with my being sedentary and out of shape was going to be quite a challenge for him. The workouts that Matthew designed¬ for me were extraordinary! Unable to use any of the standard machine equipment, Matthew made sure we did something new and beneficial every time we trained. He answered ALL of my questions regarding clean eating, proper supplementation, workout planning, and more. Matthew seemed to know every “Who, What, Why, When, Where and How” in regards to fitness and nutrition. He was teaching. I was learning, and I was excited!

As the months passed, Matthew and I reached a point where we had trained using the majority of the plyometric- and functional-style exercises/workouts that fit my personal manageability. It was now time for us to attack the resistance machines.

Matthew, a master of body mechanics, was able to modify the resistance equipment to make it “LP-Friendly”. These creative mods allowed for a more structural and comfortable workout. Following 30-months, an abundance of progress, and having fun while doing so, yielded significant fat loss and a healthier more positive change within myself. I was steadfast on taking my body as absolutely far as possible. Together we established exactly what my goals were at this point. Matthew designed a personal meal plan and supplementation regimen targeted at reducing body fat and developing lean muscle mass. The supplement program was geared towards optimizing my results both inside and outside the gym. This is where Nutrishop became a much needed part of my lifestyle. I began incorporating the following supplements: Vitasport™ PRO7EIN Synthesis, FORZAONE™ BCAA Sport, XP2™ FemFire Pre-workout, CELLSHOCK™ N’ Fuze, and STANCE™ Lipotropic to my daily regime.

After pushing myself daily to the absolute brink in the gym, I made the decision to compete in a women’s physique competition under the International Natural Bodybuilding Association, INBA. Something in my wildest dreams I would never have thought of previously. After everything I’ve learned, all the friends I’ve made, the constant support and encouragement I received from everyone around me, I felt like I could make this journey with confidence.

Allison Warrell in bikini; Allison Warrell selfie

My hard work and passion was recognized. Shortly thereafter, I became a sponsored Nutrishop Athlete with Nutrishop Eastvale/Corona, CA.

On April 4th, 2015 I took the stage competing in my very first Women’s Physique competition with the INBA. I placed 2nd in both the Novice and Open categories. I was also awarded the title of “Best Poser of the Event”.

The thirst for competition continues to grow. I once again competed on July 11, 2015 in an INBA event. My ultimate goal being that I become the first “Little Person” to earn her Pro Card. I am confident that the work my coach and I are putting in right now are pointing me in that direction.

I cannot thank my Nutrishop family, my coach Matthew Crouch, and my family at City Gym in Downtown Riverside, CA enough. I have never been surrounded by so many uplifting people in my life. I am excited to see where this road leads and I am grateful for everyone who is taking an interest in the goals I am working hard to achieve.

During the summer of 2014, I started a support group on Facebook known as H.E.L.P. (Health & Exercise for Little People). H.E.L.P. has sparked a great deal of inspiration and motivation by enlightening others with dwarfism. H.E.L.P. continues to grow with more than 1100 members. Should you know of someone with a form of dwarfism, please spread the word to join this energetic group.

If you take anything away from this, let it be the tried and true, ‘with hard work and determination, you can achieve anything you put your mind to’.