Thu. May 2nd, 2024

Carol Semple-Marzetta won both the Fitness Olympia and Arnold Classic in 1997.

She started gymnastics at the local YWCA at the age of 10, and her original goal was to compete in the Olympics in gymnastics but she was diagnosed with Osgood Schlateer’s disease, which meant her bones were growing faster than the muscles so that dashed her Olympic dreams. Her gymnastics dreams also were not assited when she was involved in a car crash on May 23, 1983, which injured her knees, her back, and her neck. She set her sights on competitive fitness, and was highly successful. At 5’6″ she competed at 126lbs with 36-24-35 measurements.


Known for having some of the best all time routines, Carol was the originator of the ‘double wesson’ pushups, which involved the very pretzel like act of placing both legs over her shoulders and doing pushups [she does the move at 0:59 secs in the video below]

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