Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Debbie Bramwell flexing in HD(full screen)

See Debbie Bramwell on SheMuscleRaw

Stats….photoshoot condition
weight – 144
height – 5’2 1/2 ”
thigh – 22.5
bicep – 14.5 ”
calf – 15 1/4
hips – 36 1/4
abs – 27
chest – 38.5
forearms – 11.5
shoulders – 44.5 (flexed-48)

DOB: June 9th , 1966
Height: 5’3″
Weight: contest 140 offseason 155-160
Hair: black
Eyes: dark brown
Residence: San Diego, California
Birthplace: New Jersey
Hobbies: weighttrain (compete),go to beach, volleyball,read, personal/spiritual growth work, movies, hike, yoga, dance, meet new people travel, hairstlyist, physiquemodel, music, study success people and the mind, but mostly spend time with family and friends

Lifelong goals compete as a pro, live a healthy, harmonious lifestyle and study success to enable me to inpsire and encourage others to achieve their dreams through personal/spiritual/physical growth. To meet and marry my bestfriend …..continue to live each day with purpose and gratitude… and give back to society.

I was the youngest of 4 children that played sports growing up. My dad took every opportunity to coach and practice with us as he encouraged us to have fun and be our best. I was shy and seemed to blossom when it came to athletics. As a young girl I tried every sport but as a teenager I enjoyed softball, track and volleyball.

It wasnt until I was in my early 20s that I became interested in my body image… I would say I wasnaturally pear shaped, with most of my weight in my legs so I always wanted to lose the 5-10 pounds to look good. After going on every diet and doing lots of cardio I realized I needed to tone with weights to get results. I’ll never forget my first workout magazine was shape….I was so into reading the success stories for inspiration and learning the dos and donts of proper diet and training. Initially I joined a all girl gym (I was still shy)but eventually joined a “real” gym (in Phoneix arizona) and this wasnt until I was 26 years old. When I first joined this female trainer took me under her wing and show me a workout program. After a couple of months I met a man I dated for 4 years who was a noncompetitive Bodybuilder. I was lucky to learn alot more from him and his bodybuilding magaiznes that were laying around. I rememeber being in awe of Laura Creavalle more then anyone and then Sue Price and later Lenda Murray. He eventually took me to some local shows where i thought everyone was a winner on that stage. ALthough a this time I was not interested in competing I still got more motivated to go to gym and train hard afterwards.

It wasnt until later on In 1996 after we broke up that i moved to a new area and gym where I met this trainer who rired to encourage me to compete. Still being shy and not overly confident I couldnt imagine getting up in front of people with a little posing suit on and flexing. It wasnt until after I completed the Tony Robbins 30 day personal power program that I decided to step out of my box and set new goals. My first show was a personal step to improve physically and conquer my fear of getting up in front of people. With this trainers guidance (gota have a plan) and my new way of thinking……….I set out to do my first show In Sand diego March of 1997. Before I got there I saw my success and felt my way toward the first place trophy and overall, What an amazing feeling…….I loved the experience and went to LA 2 weeks later to take another first place trophy. wow, this was fun and I looked good so over the next few years I started my journey of personal and physical growth and won 6 shows In california. It wasnt until 2001 when I was encouraged by Steve Wennerstrom from Flex / Womens Physique World to compete on a natioanl level. At that time I met a soon to be best friend/trainer Keith Lee who later and still is my coach.

With his help I went to my first National show the 2002 USA in Vegas. My goal was top 5 and I did it……I improved alot with Keiths help and after all the positive feedback I got thats when I started on a bodybuilding journey…….and I set a new goal of achieiving my pro card……..I have since improved and feel that procard coming closer and closer my way…..check out my contest history.

Competing on a national level has brought me much joy. I would definitely say the best part is the people I meet along the way. The competitors are awesome. I admire and have love for the girls who are on a similiar journey, we all support each other. I have enjoyed the photographers that do their best to capture us at our best. I love to do photoshoots and see my progress. It is definitely an artform. I love going back to the drawing board to see where I need to etch next……It is fun to figure it all out. I love the interaction with the fans. Not only am I a people person but I love to give support and encourage others to be their best. And I love the fact that they appreciate us women bodybuiders. We are unique and like to be different. I do like all phases of training. My inner strength, commitment, desire and focus are qualities that I have developed along the way and use them in other areas in my life as well. I love to be on stage at my best…knowing no matter what I am a champion amongst many others for giving it 1000%. Talk about complete satisfaction !! I feel like my passion grows stronger in this sport every year and even after bodybuilding I will conitnue to be my best in and out of the gym. So here we are in 2005. At this time I am excited about the USAs in Vegas. I will be a lightheavyweight and better the ever with a more complete package.

Last year I suffered from a serious back injury that limited my training but I grinned and beared it and work around it. ( I reccomend accupunture to anyone who is either in pain or not well—wish I would have gone sooner) Now I am healthy and able to work on small details to complete my package. My goal is to stay aesthetically pleasing and come in in top condition, with lots of detail…and improve onposing. I want you fans to know I really appreciate your support and believing in me. I will give you my all…….you are the wind beneath my wings. Love and joy, Debbie

Debbie Bramwell Gallery