Mon. May 6th, 2024
Destiny Siguenza FI

Destiny Siguenza, originally from Malojloj and now residing in Ohio, recently won first place in powerlifting in two divisions she entered at the Ohio State Regional Meet for Natural Athlete Strength Association, or NASA Federation.

She broke five state records despite competing while recovering from prior injuries, she said.

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“(T)his was my comeback from a two year hiatus. We managed to train hard and push through. I am happy to share I won (first) place in both my categories, and broke (five) state records,” she said over the weekend.

The records she broke were in the squat, the bench press, the deadlift, and totals in two classes, she said.

“My significant other, Christopher Waters, also placed (first) in both his categories as well,” Siguenza said.

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“It’s all thanks to the kadun binadu with pumpkin tips and dagu, grandmas tomales gisu, and the fishing I did growing up! And Christopher thanks the chicken kelaguen for his success!”

“Ok, seriously, I want to thank the people from Guam for the support, my family, and my team mates of NWS! I look forward to more records and competitions for they will be opportunities to represent the place I call home! BIBA GUAHAN!!! ”

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Team NWS, which stands forNo Walls Standing, is a Guam group consisting of athletes of various sports, with Siguenza the only athlete residing stateside, shes said.

No Walls Standing is “the phrase we use to encourage ourselves and others to break mental, and physical barriers in everything we do,” she said.

Courtesy of: Pacific Daily News