Sun. Mar 9th, 2025
Sarah Boyles

MASTERTON vet nurse Sarah Boyles has seized gold as a rookie bodybuilder after forsaking team games for the first time and going solo in her sporting pursuits.

The 25-year-old, who is a keen indoor football player and past member of the Wairarapa College girls’ first XI, won during her debut outing, the Novice Figure Short trophy, at the annual NABBA Wellington Bodybuilding Championships held at the Little Theatre in Lower Hutt.

“First time on stage was terrifying but the rush took over and the adrenaline kicked in the second time, and I loved it,” she said.

“Even though I don’t really see myself as a competitive person. I’m used to doing things in a team. This is the first time I’ve got out there by myself, where I’m the only one held accountable. I’ve surprised myself.”

Boyles had been training at the Wai Weight Private Gymnasium in Masterton for the past few years as “part of my routine”, she said, but this year had decided to step up as a competitive bodybuilder.

She said she had kept playing indoor football and was part of a men’s social soccer team, as well as Pole Fit at E-Fit in Carterton, and was working towards the NABBA-WFF Wellington Bodybuilding Championship at Victoria University this Saturday.

“To be honest, it’s still completely surreal that I went up there and did it. I still struggle to believe it was me up there,” she said.

After the event on Sunday, September 6, she took the Monday off to relax and unwind but was back into training and dieting by 5.30am the next day: “I’m completely hooked now.”

Boyles said gym owners Bevan and Rachel Mackenzie, who are past national medal-winning bodybuilders, had been vital to Boyles’ successful debut and invaluable as training, posing and diet advisers and motivational coaches, she said.

“I can’t thank them enough. It’s been fantastic having their support and encouragement — always keeping me on track and focused and getting through the more mental side of things,” she said.

“It’s been a really humbling experience. I didn’t expect the level of support from my friends and family, my partner Vince (Smith), and from people I don’t even know.”

Bevan Mackenzie was confident the annual NABBA show would be held in Masterton next year and that the calibre of performances Boyles had achieved was sure to bring her greater rewards.

“She took her class and came second overall — in her first time out.

“She was like a seasoned competitor up there and the judges even asked her for a second turn. They didn’t ask that from anyone else. All that practice and training really paid off.”

He said a full row and a half of seating at the event had been friends, family and supporters of Boyles and “she was clearly the people’s favourite, as well”.

Another new bodybuilder from Wai Weight, Jaromir Vleck, will take the stage for the first time at the NABBA-WFF Wellington event, in the under-87kg class, Mackenzie said.

Mackenzie said Boyles had also inspired female trainers at the gym and there was a strong chance a small team of Wai Weight competitors would come online over coming months.

Boyles was flattered other women at the gym had been motivated by her achievements. “I didn’t think it would have this kind of impact.”

Courtesy of: Wairarapa Times-Age