Mon. Feb 24th, 2025
CarolineWang FI

Miss Physique and vice world champion in bodybuilding Caroline Wang talks about career, nutrition, lows and her friend.

WEEKLY: How did you get into bodybuilding?

CAROLINE WANG: By kickboxing. I was inspired by a poster of Beate Dräbing. Then I wanted to be getting stronger.

WEEKLY: Have you worked out or even its present appearance had a trainer?

CAROLINE WANG: I had no coach. From special magazines I got myself Healty Eating and informed me in this way of the latest growing threat in the research.

WEEKLY: How long have you do bodybuilding?

CAROLINE WANG: Since 2001. In addition, I did an apprenticeship as a fitness trainer and body styling in Graz.


WEEKLY: If you have it as a woman more difficult in the industry as men?

CAROLINE WANG: Much more difficult. There is little tolerance and acceptance by society.

WEEKLY: They fall into the crowd on with your body. How do people react to you? Especially the men?

CAROLINE WANG: Unfortunately, many can not cope with it. Especially men do not and therefore react negatively. I’ve always been a tomboy and did not meet the expected stereotype of a woman. That is, women may not have muscles and have to wear long hair.

WEEKLY: How do you prepare for a competition?

CAROLINE WANG: Four months before I begin prepare in. I reduce in the first few weeks the carb intake to 100 grams. Esse no plugs, no yogurts and other dairy products. Mainly I feed in the preparation of fish, potatoes, vegetables and chicken.

WEEKLY: Which nutrients are most important at this time?

CAROLINE WANG: Eiweisprodukte, glutamine, B vitamins, zinc and magnesium are very important.


WEEKLY: Which people support you?

CAROLINE WANG: My family and especially my girlfriend. You must endure my whims and is rather the suffering transmitted during my contest prep. When cooking it helps me and is therefore an important support.

WEEKLY: Have emotional and physical lows during preparation?

CAROLINE WANG: Occasionally. The low Kohlendhydratzufuhr may cause fluctuations. Even the monotonous food loaded.

WEEKLY: What helps it?

CAROLINE WANG: The closest friends motivated. The more I see my progress and the muscles and all the details, the more motivated I am again.

WEEKLY: What do you do when you see a man hold the door open?

CAROLINE WANG: That does not happen, the power I myself still.

WEEKLY: What is your next goal?

CAROLINE WANG: The World Cup next year in Brazil.

Courtesy of: Meinbezirk