Sun. Mar 9th, 2025
Averi Haugesag

For a lot of people, making time to workout just a couple times a week can be tough.
But for some… the gym is a way of life.

Averi Haugesag talks with a Bismarck teacher about how she makes time for fitness.

For 40 hours a week– Lexi Wilhelm wears this title and these dress clothes.

Lexi is a 5th grade teacher at Saxvik Elementary School in Bismarck.

And she’s pretty popular with her students.

“She’s a really nice teacher to us and I really enjoy her,” says Paisley Kleven, 10 years-old.

But teaching isn’t the only thing Lexi is dedicated to… – Bismarck/Minot/Williston/Dickinson-KXNEWS,ND

She wears a different kind of outfit.. for more than 15 hours per week.

“Did you know that Ms. Wilhelm lifts weights?” “Yeah she told us a little bit about it,” says Kleven “Do you think you could lift more weight than her?” “Probably not,” says Kleven
“No I don’t think I could lift more weights than her, she’s an adult, I’m a kid,” says Hayden Lancaster, 11 years-old.

And they’re probably right… because Lexi is here a lot.

“I usually come in the mornings about 4:30 when we open and then if I stay consistent with my workout I can usually get out of here at about 7,” says Lexi Wilhelm, Bismarck, N.D.

Yep, you heard right.

Lexi works out for two-and-a-half hours, six days a week.

“I’m sore constantly so just kind of, even if I’m sore I’ve still got to do it, I’ve still got to maintain my workouts,” says Wilhelm.

Not just to stay in shape.. Lexi has a bigger goal in mind.

“My friend Holly, she approached me back in June and asked if I would be interested in competing,” says Wilhelm.

Competing as a bodybuilder…

“She told me she wanted to compete and so I gave her advice. I said yeah you can do it. And she was basically really good at it, doing the leg workout, so I totally know she’s committed and she can do this,” says Holly Martin, Bismarck, N.D.

Holly is no amateur.

She’s been bodybuilding for three years.

“I’ve done pretty well in figure, my first year I took third and fourth in Fargo and I did one last year in Fargo in the Masters, I took first and it was my first bikini show,” says Martin
Lexi is getting ready for her first show in March.

Which means lots of working out… and following a strict diet plan.

“I eat six times a day. My first meal I have at about 4 am before I come to the gym and my last meal is at about 9 p.m. at night. So about every three hours I’m having a meal,” says Wilhelm.
So on Sunday– her only day off from work and the gym– Lexi has to prep her weekly meals.

“To compete you have to mentally be strong and physically be strong, and give it all,” says Martin.

Give it all to get the gold.

Lexi will be competing in the NPC Upper Midwest bikini competition in Fargo this March.

Courtesy of: KXNews