Thu. Feb 13th, 2025

I began bodybuilding at the age of 23 and I decided to compete, after I had met some bodybuilders during my holidays. They themselves compete very successfully.
I started to prepare myself for the first bodybuilding competition, the Schleswig-Holstein Championships IFBB on a regional level, weighing 54 kg. After five years of regular training, I finally felt prepared enough to compete and straightaway won my first contest in the Heavyweight and the Overall. What a success! Since then I have tasted blood and kept at it working hard. My successes are listed in the titleroom.
Since January 2003 I possess a licence as a professional and made my debut at the Jan Tana 2003 quite sucessfully. Out of eight participants in the heavyweight division I finished 4th. Thus being really motivated, I’m looking forward to season 2004. I hope you all keep your fingers crossed for me!

Yours Susanne


Name: Susanne Bock
Date of birth: 12.05.1970
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Family status: married
Place of residence: Kiel
Occupation: employee in the sales department at a wholesaler of contactlenses
Height : 172cm
Weight off season: approx. 75kg
Contest weigh: 68 kg

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