Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Brittany Rhodes

Brittany Rhodes used to think she was too skinny and it affected her confidence.

She says: “I was a size zero. I wanted to actually have that curvy figure and that’s why I got into training.”

She thinks the trend started in America on social media.

“I think for girls, lifting weights feel good.

“Now they’ve got empowerment – they don’t need a man for money.

“It feels good to walk into that gym, to walk into a weight room and curl more than a guy”

“Some people see it as a bit of self-obsession but I’d say it’s the complete opposite.

“Every bodybuilder you meet, there’s always a background story of why they do it.”

Brittany was speaking to Adele Roberts from BBC Radio 1 as part of her documentary Why Women Want Muscles.

“It’s torture, it’s really hard”

“Going without food and sugar is probably the worst bit.”

Brittany puts herself through a lot for her passion.

“I work a 50 hour week as a recruitment consultant. I get up at 4am to go to the gym and then go again after work.”

“I think there’s enough hours in the day for anyone to achieve whatever they want – and not just in fitness.”

“If you set a goal, start with 30 days then move onto 60 days – your body can change a lot. It can be done if you stick to the right diet and right training.”

“Lifting weights is not going to make you look like a man”

“If you train smartly then you’re not going to get a big chest.

“It’s a lot harder for women to build muscle than men.

“People think they have to just do cardio to work out – but actually you burn more calories if you lift weights as well.”