Mon. Feb 17th, 2025

kns2Kristina Nicole is an NFPT certified trainer, social media fitness influencer (175K strong and growing) and bodybuilding fanatic from Miami, Florida. She was able to achieve an impressive transformation through her passion and no b.s. attitude. She preaches self-discipline, self-love and a balanced lifestyle and hopes to one day become a dietician. We sat with this powerhouse of a lady to see what exactly she does on a day-to-day to achieve her sculpted, toned and built physique. Oh, and if you haven’t seen her bod, check it out below and appreciate the hours of lifting and meal prep it takes to build this work of art.

Can you describe your average workout regimen?

I weight train 5 times a week, complete cardio 6 times a week — leaving me 1 active rest day and 1 day for recovery

Do you follow a specific nutritional regimen/ have any restrictions?

When it comes to my nutrition, I stick to the basics — protein and a lot of green vegetables. When shopping I do tend to choose Organic / Gluten free when available. I eat the way that I do to maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle. My diet is not a punishment, but a way of living.

My morning ritual consists of a cup of water, Multi- vitamins, supplements (Liver Care, Triphala, Dandelion Root, Oil of oregano, Fish oil) and 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar AND can’t forget the coffee.

What do you normally have for the following meals?

Breakfast: Egg whites, sweet potato, protein shake

Snack: Animal protein, veggies, and a carb (sweet potato, brown rice, quinoa, etc)

Lunch: Animal protein, veggies, and a carb (sweet potato, brown rice, quinoa, etc.)

Snack: Animal protein, veggies, and a carb (sweet potato, brown rice, quinoa, etc) or possibly a protein bar during off-season.

Dinner: Animal protein & veggies

Late night snack: During off-season, I enjoy Halo Top or Arctic Zero ice cream, Rice cakes with PB




How does your diet differ when you are in contest prep than when you are not?

BIG difference!! When I am on prep I am restricted from A LOT of food groups as to when I am off prep I am able to incorporate many more food groups as well as a “cheat meal”

There are a lot of “trainers” and “bodybuilders” in the fitness industry that give nutritional advice that completely eliminates carbs from ones diet, or suggest other dangerous elements. What can you suggest as tips for someone to be able to tell the difference between a realistic plan versus a dangerous one?

When it comes to diet plans, methods & approaches, I believe everyone is different and what may work for me may not work for you // vice versa. Before committing to anything new, do your research!

I would say you have had a pretty drastic transformation. Can you tell us a little about your story and journey?

When I first began weight training (late 2013) I just wanted to get fit and become self confident. As I slowly but surely fell in love with the process of transitioning my lifestyle – the junk food, alcohol, and party scene slowed down. I was never forced nor did I deprive myself. The changes I made came from within… I knew if I wanted to excel and become the best version of myself I had to drop those bad habits. It wasn’t until January 2016 that I became interested in body building, I was ready to take my body to the next level. I was up for the challenge, physically and mentally. I feel like competing and the process of getting ready for these shows change your priorities and perspective… the struggles lead you to growth and to a more mature mindset.

I went from casually “eating healthy” and training to look fit to transitioning into a more displaced meal plan, strict training regime to reach a specific stage body.

Do you have any tips for anyone trying to maintain a specific nutritional plan? What motivational methods do you use to stay on track?

My tips would be to keep it simple, don’t overwhelm yourself, especially when it’s new to you. The beauty of it is, you can forever tweak your diet until you find what works best for you, and once you find what’s best, you continue to tweak some more!! It’s a continuous journey.

Do you ever stress eat? Do you have any suggestions for managing stress?

Luckily I do not stress eat, I’m actually the opposite. When stressed I tend not to eat, which isn’t any better.

The way I manage my stress is through prayer!! I cast all my worries onto my Lord – I do my best and let him do the rest.

What are your favorite supplements?

Definitely love my Triphala, as well as Dandelion Root, Oil of oregano, CLA, and BCAA’s (Amino Acids)

What are some key things you live by?

*No challenge. No change.

*Feel the fear and do it anyways.

*The flesh follows the mind.

*Grow through what you Go through.

Anything else you may want to add.

Love yourself!!

To follow Kristina’s journey, be sure to follow her on Instagram at @KrristinaNicole (#BodyByKristinaNicole)


Kristina Nicole

Kristina Nicole Mendoza




bodybuilder diet


what does a physique bodybuilder eat


Nutrition tips for bodybuilders





table talk

kristina Nicole interview

what kristina nicole eats every day

fitness tips

lifestyle tips

no excuses

fitness motivation

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