Thu. Feb 13th, 2025

collette nelson food network bodybuilder



Okay, here’s the thing…I am not, and have never been, afraid to talk and I have been around for way too long to change that characteristic now!

That being said, welcome to the first of my weekly columns for Female Muscle where I am going to boldly go where others fear to tread…into the land of controversy. My first column is going to be devoted to this year’s New York Pro contest and, in particular, Colette Nelson’s posing routine at the evening show. Wow! You wanna talk about controversy? Well that routine sure fired up a hell of a lot!

In fact it opened up a whole forum thread on one website and made major rumbles throughout the whole bodybuilding community. So what did she do? Was nudity involved? Did she give ‘the finger’ to the judges? No…what she did was dare to perform an exciting and entertaining routine executed to the music of Blondie and Lady GaGa……oooh…..sacrilege!

So what did people say?

Let’s pick a few memorable quotes shall we….
“A bad dancing routine with a few poses in it.”
“Throwing down some dance moves with the occasional pose sucks.”
“The song was trendy but too fast to pose to…routine didn’t compliment her.”
“When did bodybuilding become a stage performance? What a joke!”
“Cringe inducing for everyone involved”
Oh, and you gotta love this one….”Very stiff and jerky dance moves. No rhythm and horribly over the top facial expressions. Like something from an embarrassing high school disco.”

Okay…STOP! This is not ‘American Idol’ and we do not need a bunch of Simon clones telling us how it should be done. The fact of the matter here is that Colette is a trained dancer and her routine reflected not only her training but also her creativity. More than that, it did a major wake up job on an audience who were being lulled to sleep by some other performers and delivered the best entertainment value of the night.

I think the ‘haters’ were best laid to rest by figure athlete Sarah Bussu who was in the audience that night…
“Despite some people’s negative comments, Colette’s routine was amazing and there was an overwhelming response to how good it was. It is usually the case that those who offer negative opinions do so to try and make themselves feel good by putting down others. In my opinion she rocked the stage with not only her presence but her kick ass skills!”

And what about Colette? What does she have to say about this storm she triggered?
“The whole point is to make bodybuilding more interesting. The night show is not judged anyway and we should take advantage of the fact that the judges are not scoring the routine and perform strictly for the audience. In my case, they (the audience) know when they see me that I am going to entertain. It gives them something to look forward to. As I said, the night show is not judged, it is purely for entertainment and, for all intents and purposes, I did just that!”

So to round things up…it is my experience that the greatest innovators are always questioned, criticized and ridiculed at first…after all, most people are more comfortable with what they are used to, why risk entertaining something new? However, in the end it is the innovators who CHANGE things…who MAKE A DIFFERENCE and who are finally APPLAUDED for their achievements. At this year’s NY Pro, my gut tells me we just witnessed the beginning of a new era in bodybuilding performance…and you read it here first!


View the video on RX Muscle

N.B. Any comments please go to the forum thread dedicated to this article…you opinions are always welcome!

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