Thu. Feb 13th, 2025

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Place of Birth: Jamaica, West Indies
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Years Training: 13 years
Current Resident: Jamaica, NY
Favorite Male Bodybuilder(s): Lee Haney, Flex Wheeler, Ronnie Coleman, Vince Taylor
Favorite Female Bodybuilder(s): Bev Francis, Lenda Murray, Linda Wood-Hoyt
Hobbies: Basketball, Handball, Bodybuilding, Weightlifting, Piano, Singing
Contest History: 2001 Women’s Pro Extravaganza Heavyweight and Overall Champion
2001 Jan Tana Heavyweight (4th Place)
2000 NPC National Heavyweight and Overall Champion
1999 USA Heavyweight (3rd Place)
1998 NPC National Heavyweight (7th Place)
1998 USA Heavyweight (2nd Place)
1997 NPC National Heavyweight (2nd Place)
1997 USA Heavyweight (5th Place)
1996 NPC National Heavyweight (6th Place)
1996 USA Heavyweight Champion
1995 USA Middleweight (4th Place)
1994 Eastern USA Middleweight and Overall Champion

Height: 5’5″
Off-season weight: 196lbs.
Contest weight: 150lbs to 155lbs
Best Body Part(s): Back, Arms, Quads
Weak Body Part(s): Calves