Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

I am quite sure many readers may not get this, but as someone who has an all consuming, overwhelming, deep seated, never ending, passionate hatred for American football I have to repost these gems of wisdom from a post on Lori’s blog

A strong start with the simple statement of hating the game, and continuing strong:

I have hated American football for some years now. After attending the University Of Florida and getting to know some of the “Gators” I realized how stupid was the game, not to mention most of the players, a disproportionate number of which were named Bubba.

A dash of politics, with a strong action at end:

These people still thought the Civil War was going on, waving confederate flags at the Yankee “me”. At my last Gator football game, in a gesture for which I will always be proud, I took my season tickets and ripped them apart and threw them into the humid Florida air. Yes, I was drunk, but perfectly rational.

And ending it in the gym:

Instead of watching University of Florida battle Miami (why, aren’t they both from Florida), I went to the gym drunk and tried to workout while smashing into equipment and dropping weights upon myself.

What more can anyone ask for?

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