Sun. Mar 9th, 2025
Maha Al Hanaei

Maha Al Hanaei has returned home with a medal in every jiu-jitsu competition she has participated in since taking up the sport when it was first introduced more than four-and-a-half years at the Mariam bint Sultan Girls School in Al Ain.

She was selected for the UAE national junior team on their inaugural tour to the United States and won a silver medal at the American Kids National Championships in October 2014.

Al Hanaei, 16, is a Grade 11 pupil and a blue belt, the highest rank in her age group, and competes in the 56.5-kilogramme weight class.

Polyana Lago Barbosa, her Brazilian coach for more than two-and-a-half years, said: “The success she has had is because of her discipline. She is very committed, attentive and respectful. She never misses her training. We have some good girls but in my opinion Maha can develop into one of the champions in the UAE.”

Al Hanaei represents Al Ain Club in competitions, trains with the national team juniors and came through her qualifying round event in Al Ain three weeks ago to earn a ticket to the UAE Jiu-Jitsu Federation Challenge Cup for girls on Friday at the Ipic Arena.

You attended ballet classes. How and when did you start jiu-jitsu?

It was a casual visit to the jiu-jitsu classes when the sport was first introduced in the school curriculum through the Abu Dhabi School Programme around four-and-a-half years ago. I wanted to try out at the first instance, and fell then got hooked.

How supportive are your parents?

The whole family have been very supportive from the time I began and up to now. My sisters Mahra [age 16 and green belt] and Hana [12, grey belt] have both taken up jiu-jitsu and are doing well.

What success you have had so far?

I reached the medal rounds in every competition that I took part. Perhaps, more than 20. I think that’s some achievement.

How much time do you spend training?

Four days a week on a normal routine but that can increase when preparing for a competition.

What is the biggest achievement so far?

Winning the gold medal in the blue-belt category in the Abu Dhabi World Kids Championships last year. I was runner-up in the orange belt in the previous year.

Do you have a sporting hero or role model?

No sporting heroes but a role model, yes, my coach Polyana.

Any short-term and long-term targets?

The immediate task is to retain my title at the Abu Dhabi World Kids Championships. Long term, I want to be a member of the senior national team, achieve black-belt status and travel around the world to compete in the international circuit.

What about your academics?

I am doing science subjects but haven’t really thought what I’m going to do once I complete schooling. As of now, I am enjoying my time in school and jiu-jitsu.

Courtesy of: The National