Wed. Feb 12th, 2025
Megan Davies

A Bournemouth teenager has been selected to represent Great Britain in an international powerlifting competition.

Megan Davies, 19, said she was “overwhelmed” to be selected for the competition, which will see her fly out to Estonia next month and compete against other women in her category.

With a full-time job at Barclays bank, she manages to combine work with training three times a week.

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She said she hopes to achieve a medal at the championship, but the next few weeks will involve tough physical and mental training exercises in order for her to achieve her goal.

“I’m very excited and pleased that I’ve been selected to represent Great Britain in the junior women’s team. I will be lifting as a 84kg junior lifter.

“I was approached by the head coach for Great Britain who told me to go up a weight category from 72kg as I would have less competition and a better chance of getting a medal in the 84kg category.

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“I really wanted the opportunity to compete in the international competition but knew I’d have to push myself a lot more in the higher weight category.”

Megan first started getting involved in powerlifting two years ago and progressed very quickly in the sport. She has competed in a number of competitions locally and nationally.

“My first competition was quite daunting to start with,” she said. “There’s a lot of competition so I had to give it everything I had. When I was selected for the Great Britain team, I was overwhelmed.”

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She continued: “There are three different types of lifts involved: squatting, benching and dead lifting. My best is the dead lift and I can lift 155kg.

“My friends and family are very supportive of me, but when I first started powerlifting they were a bit surprised as I was just playing volleyball before.”

Megan said the cost of her travel and accommodation for the international competition amounted to £700, and she is appealing for any donations to help her fund the cost of the trip. Visit her fundraising page at

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Courtesy of: Daily Echo