Fri. Mar 7th, 2025
JoannaJedrzejczyk FI

Somehow, UFC strawweight champion Joanna Jedrzejczyk manages to be extremely likeable, even in the face of her talking a lot of trash, and bullying opponents before fights. While we can’t say exactly what about the Polish star makes, we’re willing to bet videos like the above one – filmed and published two days after her successful title defense in Berlin, last Saturday – have something to do with it.

My goodness, just look at the contrasting image she provides in it. Just last week she was mad-dogging Jessica Penne, staring her down, talking trash and promising violence. Then, she delivered it, brutally.

In the above video, however, the champ is back to her bouyant, giddy, silly self. For crying out loud, she’s pretty much sitting on a swing, looking up at the camera.

“Hi guys, Joanna Champion. I defended my title two days ago in Berlin. So, I would just like to say thank you to all of you. I could feel the extra support and energy in the O2 Arena in Berlin. So, I’m very happy that I could defend my title in Europe,” she began, in English.

Yeah, that’s right. She nicknamed herself Joanna Champion. It’s a nickname consisting soley of her first name and her title.

First, it was aspirational. Now, it’s a statement of an ongoing, and brutal, reign.

Ordinarily that type of cocky self-back pat might come off as annoying. When Joanna says it, you want to give her a high-five, happy that the unlikely figure before you – tiny, impossibly thin, good natured – some how became one of the most feared professional fighters in the world.

“I’m very happy that I’m still the best – still a champion. UFC champion,” she continued.

“Joanna Champion” has her right thumb casted up and went on to explain that she’s in need of a break. However, she also revealed that she’ll be in Las Vegas for the UFC’s fight week expo leading up to UFC 189, in July.

So, there’s American fight fans’ chance to go get them some of that champion charm in person. “It’s time to take some rest, have some holiday,” she said.

“I will travel to U.S. so, see you guys at the fan expo. So, take care, good bye. I give ‘like.'”

I don’t really know what that last part meant, but damn it, she said it while winking, smiling and giving a broken thumbs up. So, we give like right back.

Oh, and even if you’re not a Polish speaker, stick around for the second half of the video, where Joanna speaks to her Polish fans. The trained killer begins that section by swinging in and singing, ‘ta da!’

Joanna Jedrzejczyk fits no mold but the one she’s made. And, watching her in action – in the ring and at play – is hella entertaining to watch.

Courtesy of: Fox Sports