Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Bench Press

The bench press is one of the most common exercises performed in weightlifting. It involves a flat bench and uprights. Your grip should create 90-degree angles at your elbows when they are at chest height. When beginning the press, lift the bar off the uprights. Once accomplished, lower the bar to your chest at a slow rate and lift with a faster speed. Continue this procedure minus the original lift-off for the expected number of reps. (a fast lift enables the lift of heavier weights and increases the capacity of red muscle fibers, while a slower lift will require less weight while developing the white muscle fibers. Each should be performed with a specified number of reps).

Inclined Bench Press/Let’s talk about muscle… Call 1-800-222-FLEX(3539)

Similar to the bench press, an adjustable flat bench and uprights are needed. As suggested in its name, the inclined bench press requires an incline of the bench. Different inclined angles will focus on different parts of the upper chest however the bench should not reach an upright position because this would be using the shoulders instead of the upper chest. Your grip should mirror that of the bench press in this exercise. Lower the bar to your chest and repeat the suggested number of repetitions.

Declined Bench Press

Similar to the bench press, an adjustable flat bench and uprights are needed. The decline bench requires a decline of the bench. This angle works the lower portion of the chest. Your grip should mirror that of the bench press in this exercise. Lower the bar to your chest and repeat the suggested number of repetitions.

Dumbell Press

Using the same flat bench as in the regular bench press, minus the uprights, lay down with your feet planted firmly on the ground. Starting with the dumbells at your chest, raise them with the same position as in the bench press. Slowly lower the weights at the same time and lift them at a faster pace. An (Optional) turning action should take place through the entire movement. A safe spot would be placed on the elbows during this exercise.