Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Why-We-Love-Women-Who-Lift-702x336By Ryan “6 Pack” Lapadat (@6PackLapadat)

Gone are the days women don’t lift weights because they’re afraid they will lose sex appeal. As a matter of fact, it is now common to associate sex appeal for women with weightlifting. Catch phrases like “Yeah, she squats” have become the norm. Memes bearing sentiments like “Squat, because no one ever wrote a song about a girl with a small butt” trend on social media. Strong has become the new skinny — and skinny has instead become the new lazy.

The attraction to women who lift goes beyond just the physical gains. Women who lift exhibit the type of commitment, long-term goal setting, and discipline that makes them alpha females. Ambition and positivity are both contagious and attractive. All these traits come together to give a woman the type of confidence that you can’t fake.

The Lifting Attraction

For many men serious about lifting, it’s a dream come true to be with a woman who “gets it.” There is no need to explain why hours in the gym are important to you. There are no long-winded explanations during yet another argument over your weight-training program’s schedule. She is more likely to get excited about your gains and ask how your training is going.

Gym dates are suddenly a real thing. Meeting up at the gym for a training session qualifies as quality time spent together. Goals can be set, and you move forward toward them as a team. Girls who don’t lift often start out as supporters, if only vocally, but usually end up fighting with you to minimize your workout time (we’ve all been there). Women who lift are also liberated from previous generations’ stigma surrounding dieting. Female lifters see food as fuel for their training and a necessary tool to reaching their goals.

Increasing Your Assets

But of course, it is not only these admirable personality traits that make us love women who lift. The physical gains are hard not to notice. Women who lift have a healthy, athletic look that the ultra-skinny models of yesteryear lacked. Curves, thick thighs, round butts, and toned muscles have replaced Barbie-doll physiques when it comes to today’s standards of hot girls.

Perhaps the greatest reason we love women who lift: their butts. Pardon the honesty, but the difference between the butt of a woman who lifts and the butt of a woman who does not is like comparing a Dodge Dart with a Lamborghini. No man will ever trade down a woman who squats to a women who does not. Ladies need not be jealous or fearful of a girl who doesn’t squat around their man. It’s like trying to tempt a guy who dines on fine steak dinners with a cheap hamburger: it is both lame and laughable.

And the physical attractiveness of a woman who lifts will carry on for years to come. Long after her 20s have come and gone, her hard work will maintain the fruits of her labour. It has become common place for a woman in her 40s to keep up with women two decades her junior in the gym.

The list of reasons we love women who lift could go on and on. One thing is for sure: they are here to stay, and the impact of their presence is felt far beyond the fitness industry. Every time a female role in an action movie is cast, every time a working mother decides to get back into the gym, and every time a young girl reads a magazine, there will be new, desirable physical and personality features presented, for the better of society’s collective health and (let’s not kid ourselves) sex appeal. Keep on lifting, ladies — we approve!

Ryan “6 Pack” Lapadat is a TV personality, world champion powerlifter, and president of 6 Pack Lapadat Inc.

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