Wed. Feb 19th, 2025
jodi boam

IFBB Fitness Pro Jodi Boam has been a gymnast for half of her life. She placed fifth in her IFBB pro debut and has the potential to be a top contender in every show she enters. She became the youngest IFBB Fitness Pro in Canada at age 23. Jodi was kind enough to share a bit more about herself days out from her first pro show on her homeland of Canada.

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Look for her to make some noise this weekend and don’t be surprised if you see her competing on the Olympia stage. She has a fun personality and a killer set of arms. Read about her work out split, cooking dos and don’ts and why she’s a bad driver, even in her own drive way.

Name: Jodi Boam

Born in:Hamilton Ontario Canada

Number of years competing in gymnastics: 11 competitive years!

What level did you make it to? I was a national level gymnast by age 15, and qualified to compete at the World Championships, but unfortunately had to pull out the week of, due to injury!

How’s your injury from the gymnastic days doing? My old injuries don’t bother me too often, only because I do know my limits and which exercises to avoid. Currently, My elbows are my main issue, where some days I cannot do my routine or train arms as any pressure causes sharp pains. But no, there’s nothing too crazy to worry or stop me.

How did you get started in competitive fitness? Once I retired from gymnastics, I started weight training to stay in shape – where my best friend Rachel Davis introduced me to the world of Fitness through Mindi O’Brien. I loved weight training, was a great gymnast, have a very competitive personality and have a need to perform! it just fits me so perfectly, so both Rachel and Mindi both inspired to be where I am today!!

How’s it feel to compete with Mindi on the same stage? it actually feels like a dream!! She was my idol for years, and my coach and mentor since I started competing!! I wouldn’t even be at this level without Mindi O! To be on stage with my coach is seriously a dream – but definitely SOO terrifying lol. It makes me realize I AM in the “big league” and fighting for the top against the best out there!

Contest history:
Had my first fitness victory in 2007, where I instantly got hooked!
2011 IFFB PRO DEBUT – 5th in New York
2010 CBBF Canadian Nationals, 1st place Women’s Fitness Short and Overall Fitness Winner
2009 CBBF Canadian Nationals, 3rd place Women’s Fitness Short and Best Routine Award
2008 OPA Championships (Level 3), 1st place Fitness
2008 CBBF Canadian Nationals, 5th place Women’s Fitness Short
2007 CBBF Nationals World Qualifier, 1st place Women Fitness Short
2007 OPA National Qualifier (Natural Ontario’s) (Level 1), 1st place Fitness
2007 OPA Northern Ontario Championships (Level 2), 1st place Fitness

I understand you’re “Canada’s youngest pro” – How old or young are you?I turned 24 in March, but Earned my pro card August 2010 at Age 23! Unfortunately I am no longer thee youngest, but currently still the youngest in Canada to obtain it. Crystal Heck now holds that title earning her pro card recently at age 24, being just a few weeks younger than me.

What’s the most challenging part of preparing for fitness? Dealing with the bumps and bruises from practicing on the hardwood floor! After having bouncy mats for so many years, I often forget certain skills should not be done on wood, lol. Especially a plain old front roll! I’m sure all fitness ladies agree

Who inspires you in the fitness industry?Mindi O’Brien was my first inspiration, who helped get me where I am today! Over the years, I’ve also gained huge respect and admiration for Oksana Grishina. She’s amazing and beautiful and all aspects and I’m looking forward to meeting her, and watching get a well deserved WIN!You have some pretty wicked strength. What your workouts consist of? It often changes, but here is a basic Idea I’ve been recently following.

Monday: Chest
Tuesday: Legs
Wednesday: Shoulders/back
Thursday: plyo, cardio, routine
Friday: Biceps/triceps
Saturday: Hamstrings/shoulders
Sunday: off

Do you do cardio on an empty stomach? Yes! I actually really enjoy it (now that I have a treadmill at home…) I do 30-45 minutes fasted cardio, Which I find completely wakes me up, and energizes me for the day! I actually feel lost without it, and not as motivated through the day when I skip my morning cardio! Of course some days off is great too. ( this is mainly for comp. prep only… where off-season I may only do this 2-3 times a week rather than 5-6 times a week)

What type of cardio do you prefer to do? Intervals! Honestly, anything that really kick my butt! I will do sprinting intervals, plyo circuits, or running on the step-mill intervals. I enjoy that complete failure feeling – I know I’m pushing my limits every time!

What types of exercises do you do to help with your flexibility?Active stretching. Warm up with high kicks, or long stride lunges, etc. and also coaching gymnastics I will stretch with the kids or do demonstrations and such.

How many hours a day do you practice your routine or work on your gymnastics? Well… it should be A LOT more than I do… routine is only once a week with my plyo days. Sometimes I will practice random skills after my nightly cardio, or try a couple skills at gymnastics while I’m coaching… but I actually wish I could do it more often. I am finding everything becoming more difficult over the last while, so training “gymnastics” more often IS a goal for me!

I saw a video where it looks like you and your friend Rachel like to be a couple of dorks in the gym. Are you the queen dork or you still working on that title? Between the 2 of us, I don’t even think Napolian Dynamite could top us. Sometimes even I wonder about our sanity lol. But if we choose the Queen geek between rachel and myself – Ill be proud to take the title – even if she wants it!! haha.

What can the audience expect to see on stage? Still being a rookie Pro, My main goal is to catch the judges and audiences attention, and make my name more well known! I want to be remember for upcoming shows, and for many years to come!

Are you excited about the routines being 2/3 of the total score? I am proud of the physique I bring the stage, but yes, I’m very excited about routine being a highly score!! I normally perform pretty well, and bring a jam packed, energetic routine! I just hope the judges agree as well!

How many meals do you eat a day? 6

Favorite diet meal? ground beef with Yams – mixed with franks red hot sauce and tex mex spice!

What’s on the menu. Let me guess – Chicken and Asparagus? lol, not always. At the moment yes, only because I’m few days away from the show, so its very limited and strict! But I have many different meals throughout the course of my prep, my favorites being ground beef with yams, and my egg white and oatmeal pancake. Oh ya, and my protein shake with avocado and raspberries is amazing too!! MMMMM

What cooking experiment would you tell other women NOT to do?Well.. I did try cooking oatmeal and raspberries together – and then pan fry it to make a “cookie” but of course it didn’t turn out too great, and I think I had to throw that frying pan away!! Oh ya… and tried a tuna and asparagus egg white omelet! the 3 DO NOT mix well! Vomitorium! lol

Any cooking experiment that worked out and you’re proud to share with others?Blended vanilla protein powder with peanut butter… poured over cooked oatmeal! Just use small amounts of water so its thick and pasty! YUM!

Are you a bad driver or is the banged up car other people’s fault? lol, Oh God haha… I am a TERRIBLE driver! I admit… I’ve been in about 8 accidents, 7 MY FAULT! and 6 being me hitting PARKED CARS!! – and ya, I hit a parked car in a driveway THE DAY I bought it! .. needless to say, I’m on my 3rd car in 5 years! lol… BUT thank god nothing has been through insurance and my payments are still low!! LMAO

For those of us in the USA, what is “Bulk Barn”? They have everything from dog food, to candy, to baking powder! Where you can take as much or as little as you need, and just pay per unit price!! Its actually amazing! Especially for the gummy bears, chocolate almonds, and Reeces Pieces! lol.

Do you get pissed at McDonald’s workers often? lmao – don’t make me look bad!! But this women seriously got my coffee wrong BOTH times I went! I know it was FREE coffee… but still! McDUMMIES!! haha kidding

What will you be eating for your “first supper” – the first thing after your show?A cheeseburger is my go to!! every time – with fries, tons of ketchup, and a hot brownie with ice-cream for dessert! It never fails!!

When you’re not preparing for a show what would you be doing?I’m always training!! I absolutely love weight training! being at the gym is my happy place, and my time for myself. But if I’m not competing, then I will spend more time focusing on building my business and working more hours to safe for the business! I am currently starting online training for athletes and competitors and working a facility with my boyfriend to personally train them as well!

How long have you been coaching and how often do you coach? I started coaching gymnastics when I was 14 years old, and been going strong ever since. I normally coach about 3-4 times a week, having the 7-13 year old competitive program. Must admit, its a sweet job, especially to keep myself practicing and motivated, and remaining a great role model for the kids! Its a win-win job!

Any supplements that you use and would recommend to other women?Isolate protein, Agent M, Sub-Q, Fubar, L-carnatine, glutamend, vitamins, fish oils, pre-workout drinks (many kinds)! This is about everything I take, and fund great results from each!

What’s the key to recovery from the hard workouts and training? Good sleep, proper stretching, stay active afterwards – don’t just laze around to get stiff!!

What songs are you jamming to lately? David Guetta – anything from him!! Rihanna, Bon Jovi, and JUSTIN BIEBER!! haha seriously, I love a large mix of music from rock, heavy metal, and dance! but for working out – I like a strong bass to pump up to!!

Anyone you’d like to thank?My sponsors, FUSION BODYBUILDING, they have been amazing and provide unbelievable products!! Also my sponsors from PUR Nutrion, best friend and inspiration Rachel Davis, and of course my boyfriend -number 1 support system Eric Daye!

Do anything different this time than previous shows? Actually this time around, I am trying a new diet approach from previous shows! I am going to try the carb and fat loading before the show – whereas normally I coast along and don’t change anything – not even water during my last week of prep!! Thought I would try it, and see how it works for me!! Needless to say, I am extremely excited about getting carbs mid-week!! bring it on!

Where can people find more info on you? is in the works, but almost ready to rock!! keep checking and to see when its up and running!!
also, many videos on Youtube just by typing my name!! GO, do it!! I need more hits!! lol