Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Personal Trainer-NPC Physique Competitor-Writer-Fitness Model, Ariel has one of the best Instagram profiles we’ve seen and she updates it daily and often. We highly recommend you follow her: Ariel on Instagram

Born in California, grew up in West Michigan, graduated from Hope College with bachelors of Psychology then moved to Colorado!

I have been an athlete for as long as I can remember. I started swimming at a very young age, and finished my racing career as a lettered college athlete. I was a sprinter (50 & 100 yard freestyle) as well as 100 butterfly.

I also was a competitive equestrian winning local and state classes in English, Western, Showmanship, and Reining to name a few.

My love affair with lifting weights began in High School. I did some “power-lifting” and was one of the strongest girls; which was hard for me to balance because I wanted to be strong but the boys would make fun of me. At this point in my life I choose to be “accepted” vs. accept my self.

I continued to lift during my swim seasons in college and I looked forward to those days more than I did swimming. When I stopped swimming I really missed competing and found myself with a lot of extra time on my hands, so I began spending hours reading and looking at pictures on At this point, I decided to give up being afraid and intimidated of the weight room. I started to build my physique on a regular basis.

January of 2011, I decided to get ready for my first bodybuilding show which would happen in May. I received 1st place in my first show and had a blast! November 2011, I competed a second time in bodybuilding and waited eagerly for 2012 when women’s physique would be introduced as the new division. January of 2012, I set a goal to compete in Pittsburgh on a national stage. I achieved that goal by qualifying at a local Colorado show, then two weeks later stepped on the stage at the IFBB North American Championships!

Looking ahead I see many more years of building a physique that I’ve always wanted but never believed I could achieve. In the past year, I have learned more than I could have ever imagined. Made amazing friends that I wouldn’t ever replace. I have worked out in the gym next to Pro’s that I used to admire from the safe space of my home in front of my computer screen–overweight and depressed.

Chase your dreams! You never know where you’ll end up or who you’ll inspire along the way.

“We all accept the idea of men with muscles. It doesn’t require creating any new conceptual categories. Whether you like muscular bodies on men or not, this type of physique doesn’t violate our basic sense of how the world is supposed to be. The muscular, female physique is something else. It doesn’t fit with most people’s idea of “how things are supposed to be.” Since there are virtually no accepted images of muscular women in all of history, these bodies are not simply a variation of something that has gone before. These bodies are, in fact, a contradiction, even an attack, on our sense of reality. This is why a change in “believing,” or perception, has to precede an alteration of vision.”-Bill Dobbins The Body Photographer

Basic Info

Location Denver, Colorado

Awards 2013 NPC Jr. Nationals Women’s Physique Class C-10th Place2012 IFBB North American Championships Women’s Physique Class B-7th Place2012 NPC Warrior Classic Women’s Physique Class B-2nd Place2011 NPC “Rocky” Mountian Women’s Lightheavy Bodybuilding-3rd Place2011 NPC Grand Rapids Women’s Middleweight Bodybuilding-1st Place

Gender Female

Personal Information
National NPC Physique Competitor, ILT Sponsored Physique Athlete, Writer, Motivator & Fitness ModelI work as an independent personal trainer.I enjoy researching, reading, and writing in my personal time. See More

Personal Interests Hiking