Tue. Feb 18th, 2025
Bakhar Nabieva

Bakhar NabievaThis interview with Bakhar Nabieva has been translated from Portuguese using Google Translate.
She is only 22 years old and was born in Baku – Azerbaijan. She is fast becoming an international fitness sensation and when you see the pictures in our Bakhar Nabieva photo gallery, you will understand why.
How did the interest in bodybuilding and how old started training?
I was a very skinny child, had thin legs, and all my classmates made fun of me. So I decided to change the situation, I was tired of people looking at me. I started going to the gym, and I did not know what to do, did not count the reps and sets, doing squats every day, had no idea how to build an exercise routine correctly. I was just working on the physical part, started to read bodybuilding magazines and one day I woke up and looked in the mirror and I saw some muscles, once I saw the result of developing muscles nothing could stop me .

New routine and eating habits?
I really do not like dieting! I like virtually everything, meat, eggs, cake etc., but transform all this fuel into energy for my workouts.
Are you interested in competing?
Currently I have no interest in competing, I have been competing in the category bikini fitness, but really have no interest. You have to be a very restricted diet, no carbohydrates, the training does not yield when you have no energy. I do not want to expose myself to such torture, perhaps in the future.
What training and exercise that you like?
I work with weights using 6-10 and 15 repetitions maximum. I love to train legs, of course !! The exercises that are more like squats, leg press, leg extension and last.

IS THERE any part of your shape you need to improve?
Yes !!! my calves !!! I need to train hard to keep them beautiful.
Are you inspired by any athlete?
I am inspired by Brazilian athletes, the number one for me is the Gracyanne Barbosa. She is one of the best athletes and has fantastic physical shape!!
What advice would you give girls who are beginning to train?
Just stay mentally strong, no matter what you are subject to, get bigger or thin, there will always be someone who will try to put you down. And be happy!!

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