Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

My name is Marisa Inda and I am a personal trainer in the Los Angeles Area. My clients would say that I am mean as hell and make them do things they don’t want to do…but hey they want results and I help get em!

I love my job, I genuinely care about my clients and enjoy helping them get into shape. I won’t bullshit you and tell you that the journey to a six pack stomach is easy-put in the work and you will get RESULTS.

More tidbits about me (you wanna know):
• Former gymnast
• Love lifting heavy weights (c’mon girls strong is SEXY)-POWERLIFTING por vida!
• Former competitive bodybuilder
• Mom of two (yes they are monsters-they get that from their Papi)
• I love food-yet I am not creative enough to really make anything spectacular (sadly my husband is better in the kitchen than me)
• I love men with tattoos-that train and lift heavy-that have calluses on their hands-and that aren’t prettier than me (insert pic of my hubby)
• Reading-and yes I read all the Twilight books (team Jacob if you must know)
• True Blood, Boardwalk Empire, Game of Thrones, Sons of Anarchy…don’t bother me when any of these are on TV
• I have a degree in Biology (still wondering what good it has done me)
• I love the 40’s, 50’s and all things VINTAGE-(greaser men with a cuff in their jeans and a pompadour make me swoon)
• I 100% believe I will win the lottery someday…..just hoping it’s not when I am 90
• I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal savior….yes I fall short daily but I keep trying and am thankful for His GRACE
• Finally because people always ask…I am Mexican and Basque

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