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Wendy's isn't afraid to go against the grain and offers up some real female muscle to entice us to try their new black bean burger.
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About 250 of the world’s strongest women flew home from Houston, Texas, last week after competing at the 2015 Weightlifting World Championships. Among them were dozens who, when they took…
It's a Saturday afternoon in Spring and I’m standing in a Balcatta function hall watching a muscular woman in a diamante bikini down a shot of vodka.
Wow, you can't believe that you made it through that meeting without losing your composure. Thank God it's friday and you have the weekend to gather yourself and cool down.…
This afternoon the independent.ie posted an article discussing TV3 Tallafornia Star's Kelly Donegan’s dramatic transformation from 'party girl' to a female bodybuilder.
There are 59 photographs in this new archive gallery, taken by several famous photographers over the course of 10 years. Our premium archive galleries are free for our Facebook friends…