Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Alina Popa - 2014 Ms Olympia Runner-upRepeating her performance from the 2013 Ms. Olympia with another second place finish, Alina Popa continues to show us why she is so deserving to be called the next Ms. Olympia. From her 5th place finish at the 2011 Olympia, Alina has done nothing but climb the rankings. Now with Iris apparently retired, Alina is poised to take the prestigious title in 2015. We’ll keep an eye on Alina and continue to cheer her on from afar.

Vital Stats

Height: 5ft 6in
Weight: 166 lbs
Home: Zurich and Denver, CO
Occupation: Personal Trainer/IFBB Pro Bodybuilder


I train 5 days a week, one muscle group a day; I train heavy all the time, except for the legs that I train with low weight but high reps when I get ready for a competition. Usually in off season I try to stay as little as possible in the gym, like 50 minutes or 1 hour maximum and work with high intensity. The main differences between training in off season and training for a competition is, that I change the diet , train my legs with higher reps and also perform some cardio, any type, except I hate to run.

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