Thu. Feb 13th, 2025

Maria Rita Bello just won the overall women’s bodybuilding at the Arnold Classic amateur competition. But she is no stranger to winning. Over ten years ago, she won the right to her IFBB pro card, but as her story would have it, she would have to abandon her dream for the love of the sport. Her story, in her own words as written on, below tells her story (some spelling adjustments from original text):
“I want to say a clarification. I could read some messages speaking about my past as a ”pro” bodybuilder. And must say ¡YES! I had competed as a pro. Just once.
When I won the Overall (for the 1st. time) of Iberoamerican Championship at Mexico in 1999, I asked for my IFBB’s ProCard and, as I said, could be at the Jan Tana Pro in Virginia, USA, in 2001. But, as all you know or should, I live in Argentina. We have many good people here. But, as a country, I can say that is a kind of ”banana republic,” politically and? economically.
I did my best. Not only into the sport but trying to pay the expenses too. I did everything to foot the bill up to tired myself out. At my country, on these times, you went to sleep with the exchange of U$S 1 = $ 1 peso Argentinian, and when you were waking up, it was of U$S 1 = $ 3 pesos. There was that I had to decide between to not compete anymore or come back amateur again. Obviously, I chose the last. But it was not a decision for to take advantage against the other competitors amateurs. It was not an unfair game. I had not any choice.
I never swam into a dollar’s pool! I never had any sponsorship. I just work. Everyday. And my incomes are so low. Yes, that economical situation was worsening for me and many people in Argentina on 2001/2002. The fall was very deep and produced a lot of pain.
Unfortunately, I could not maintain my pro’s career. I suffered a lot. I felt devastated. It was my dream to be an IFBB professional along many years. And I could not to stay there for many contest, as I wanted. Someone or a team of men who didn’t understand how must a country and the life of 40 millions people be administrated had stolen my dreams. Yes, believe me. The had cheated us. I lived those facts catastrophically.
And? What? Should to have to kill myself, then? I had only one way! I should fall down one step.
I asked the IFBB and petitioned it to be an amateur again. My wishes were to leave to pass that financial situation and when the economical circumstances allow me to return to the pro’s word, I would do it. But it was not possible. It has a rule into the IFBB’s regulations that stops this kind of movement. If you are a pro and back to amateur, you can’t be a pro anymore. Never!
Now, seven years later, I’m still waiting for the economical resurgence of Argentina. And I’m sure I will have to wait to the eternity. Beyond all my needs and possibilities, I LOVE, I LOVE, I LOVE the Bodybuilding. And I live for my sport. What would you do in my situation?
I decided to follow with my life. I took my decision. I don’t think it was a mistake. I don’t think it was a sin.
Do I have to feel shame for this?
Does anybody believe am I guilty?
I’m sure you understand me.”

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