Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

With the 2009 IFBB schedule out, we continue to see the sad decline of pro level shows for female bodybuilders. With the loss of the female bodybuilding at the 2009 Europa the total shows available is down to only 5 for female bodybuilders – well below the average for their counterparts.

Men’s bodybuilding: 14 shows
Figure: 13 shows
Fitness: 7 shows
Female bodybuilding: 5 shows

Meaning that Figure and Mens Bodybuilding actually has more shows then fitness and female bodybuilding combined. Take out the Olympia and Arnold which require invites/qualification – there are only 3 open shows for IFBB pro female bodybuilders: The New York Pro in May, PBW in Tampa in August and the Atlantic City in Sept.

This is by no means a slam on promoters, as promoting shows is largely quite difficult and expensive and many promoters end up out of pocket. Complaining really will not help, support will. Hopefully the pros will enter these few shows in large numbers, and fans making sure they attend and support the shows that feature female bodybuilders.

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