Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025


In an interview with Shawn Ray over at the Muscular Development forums, 8-time Ms. Olympia Lenda Murray revealed her perspective on the modern female bodybuilding talent pool:

“The worse thing (about women’s bodybuilding) is the depth of the competitors pool. It’s my opinion that a percentage of the ladies today would not have been as successful if we had more well rounded ladies to choose from. There’s a percentage of figure competitors that would have chosen bodybuilding if Figure were not an option. The worse is…….we’re seeing some women representing the best, when the reality is………..they would not have made the cut in the past.

Take the poll now! Is Lenda Murray right …would modern competitors have a hard time competing in her era? Or is she completely wrong…and would have a hard time competing with the modern women?

What say you? Get your under-worked glutes to the forum and vote now!