Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025


The International Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness Federation (INBF) had quite the show of their own while the IFBB was taking over Vegas. Last month, the INBF held the Cardinal Classic, a pro-status qualifier. At the show Bridgett Annett, wife and mother of three, dominated both the Open Women’s Heavyweight Division, and the Open Women’s Bodybuilding Overall. Her placing earned her a Pro Card in the WNBF (World Natural Bodybuilding Federation).

Bridgett is still fairly new to the sport. She has only competed in a hand full of shows, but has first place trophy’s from each. When asked about her strength she had this to say:

I lift to sculpt so I never max out, but I can give my ‘rep-max’ lifts:Squats, 300 lbs for 6; barbell curl, 95 lbs for 8; bench press, 175 lbs for 8 reps; dead lifts, 1 rep max, 315 lbs; 45 degree leg press, nine 45 lbs plates for 6 reps .

Her husband is also a WNBF Pro bodybuilder, and they look forward to continued training and now competing together.

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