Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Mega site has a new model who will be featured in their ads; 45 year old Panama resident Belinda Benn.


Her whole theme centers around staying young, and quite obviously by her photo she has done quite a good job, as I find it very hard to even believe she is five years off being 50 years old! From her site:

Since learning to surf at the age of 38, I have traveled Australia, Central America and Europe -surfing, seeking out new adventures and learning Spanish. After a few near death experiences, some steep learning curves and a roller coaster journey, I fell in love with Panama and made it my home.

Today I live my dreams. Because once I learnt to dream again, I never stopped. You see, my outward journey was really about the inward one. Overcoming my fears, harnessing my emotions, focusing my energy, controlling my mind and challenging my body. To become strong. Super strong. Inside and out.

And I have discovered a secret. Being strong – keeps you young…….

Belinda’s website is in dual language: English and Spanish. Belinda es una modelo de fitness que reside en Panamá. Su sitio electrónico está disponible en inglés y español. Para visitar el sitio de Belinda haz click aquí

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