Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

sheri2The difference between first and second place can often be as little as a single striation or as much as overall symmetry. Either way, one women walks away a winner, and the other wonders what it would have been like.

Sheri Hofhuis, 36, wondered what it would have been like to have heard her name as first, rather than runner up, at the Ms. Universe natural bodybuilding competition in Barbados. Sheri is a figure competitor and won her pro card in a show in Virginia. Barbados was her pro debut. Sheri said, “I took second! I am so pumped for next year…now back to some hard-core training!”

The WNBF World Championships are next month in NYC, but Sheri has decided to sit this one out. Her body has had enough for one year, and she needs to work on building a top, pro-physique. In order to do that, she needs some down time and real food. She is currently working on putting on some muscle mass and posts to Facebook: “benched 160, dead-lifted 260…New goal: bench 170, dead-lift 285.”

Good luck Sheri!