Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

After my great leg workout on Friday and walking through the concert for hours on Saturday, Sunday seemed like a great day for a long bike ride to stretch out my legs and get some fresh air. The forecast called for a “possibility” of a passing shower or thunderstorm. I wasn’t really worried.


I cruised down along the water, through a vacant lot (where I saw my orphan future kitty I think) past the giant steel robot sculpture man of my dreams and had a train security guy scream “No bikes on the platform!!!! $200 fine!”.

I went by the marina and over the bridge to Liberty Park just to check on our lady in the river. That’s when I felt the first drops. A “little” water is nice, so I started back home. Halfway the sky opened up and it started to pour. I thought about stopping to wait it out but I was soaked already.

It rained so hard I couldn’t see at all. The wind was blowing about 50 mph and the lightning and thunder was all around. I pushed on through foot deep puddles as cars passed sending waves at me like motorboats. Soaked to the bone, I finally pulled into my garage and headed inside. Slosh, slosh slosh…went my sneekers as I walked to the doorman and offered him a hug leaving a river of water behind me.

My cat gave me quite the look as I flooded in still dripping.

At least 3 good things came of this though. My bike is very clean now, I know I can bike faster than lightning and rain water makes my hair very soft and fluffy.

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