Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

The 2010 Europa Show of Champions has come to a close. Twelve girls came together in Orlando to entertain fans and battle for a spot in the Olympia. This was Erin Riley’s first show back after shoulder surgery last year and it is nice to see her on stage again! She has shown the judges and her fans that she is back and serious. It is just a matter of time before she re-qualifies for the Olympia!

1. Camala Rodriguez
2. Regiane Da Silva
3. Myriam Capes
4. Erin Riley
5. Kristina Rojas
6. Allison Ethier
7. Sylvia Tremblay
8. Nicole Duncan
9. Melissa Frederick
10. Kayde Puckett
11. Sandi Stuart
12. Victoria Larvie

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