Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025


The Olympia will be held this weekend with over 50 of the best female bodybuilders, fitness and figure competitors from all over the world competing.


1. Betty Adkins , Venezuela
2. Heather Armbrust, USA
3. Lisa Aukland, USA
4. Nicole Ball, Canada
5. Debbie Bramwell, USA
6. Dayana Cadeau, Canada
7. Rosemay Jennings , USA
8. Iris Kyle-Floyd, USA
9. Klaudia Larson , Sweden
10. Cathy LeFrancois, Canada
11. Mah-Ann Mendoza, USA
12. Yaxeni Oriquen-Garcia , Venezuela
13. Jeannie Paparone, USA
14. Betty Pariso, USA
15. Brenda Raganot, USA
16. Jennifer Sedia, USA
17. Sherry Smith, USA


1. Regiane DaSilva , Germany
2. Nicole Duncan, USA
3. Heidi Fletcher, USA
4. Tracey Greenwood, USA
5. Jen Hendershott , USA
6. Laticia Jackson , USA
7. Tanji Johnson , USA
8. Julie Lohre, USA
9. Mindi O’Brien , Canada
10. Julie Palmer, USA
11. Erin Riley, USA
12. Kim Scheideler, USA
13. Stacy Simons, USA
14. Trish Warren, USA


1. Jelena Abbou , USA
2. Sonia Adcock, USA
3. Gina Aliotti, USA
4. Paola Almerico , USA
5. Teresa Anthony, USA
6. Jane Awad, Canada
7. Darlina Brown , USA
8. Heather Mae French, USA
9. Amy Fry, USA
10. Bernadette Galvan, USA
11. Jennifer Gates, USA
12. Lenay Hernandez , USA
13. Julie Ann Kulla, USA
14. Mary Elizabeth Lado, USA
15. Jenny Lynn, USA
16. Hazal Nelson , USA
17. Jessica Paxson-Putnam, USA
18. Zivile Raudoniene , Lithuania
19. Kristal Richardson, USA
20. Felicia Romero, USA
21. Chastity Slone , USA
22. Brenda Smith, USA
23. Kristi Tauti, USA
24. Latisha Wilder, USA
25. Nicole Wilkins, USA

See 2007 Olympia and 2006 Olympia for tons of photo galleries and much more on prior Olympias.

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