Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Prejudging for the Fitness and Figure divisions is over, below are the fitness callouts:

1st Callout:
Tracey Greenwood
Jen Hendershot
Julie Palmer
Kim Sheideler [formerly Klein]

2nd Callout:
Regina Desilva
Tanji Johnson
Julie Lohre
Trish Warren
Mindi Obrien

3rd Callout:

Nicole Dunkin
Stacy Simons
Latisha Jackson
Erin Riley
Heidi Fletcher

5th Callout

Julie Palmer
Jen Hendershot
Kim Sheideler
Tracey Greenwood

6th Callout:
Kim Sheideler
Regina Desilva
Tanji Johnson

Left to right: Jen Hendershot, Julie Palmer, Kim Klein, Tracey Greenwood


The figure callouts seem to indicate that reigning Olympia champion Jenny Lynn may be dethroned by either Gina Aliotti [second from left below] or Ziville Raudoniene [far right]….


MD’s full Fitness Olympia photo gallery is here and their figure gallery is here