Static Stretching Exercises
Static Stretching Exercises
Static Stretching Exercises
Carrie A(left) from SML: "Personally, I should be holding the guy, since I am usually stronger."
photo credit Brian Moss
Becky Rich competed at the Raw Unity 3 Powerlifting meet in Tampa FL on January 30, 2010. She finished with 275-203-325 (squat, bench, deadlift), won the 123 class and took…
Phenomenal Abdominals In 8 Weeks or Less!
Wide grip chins behind the neck; widen the upper back and create a full sweep in the lats. Wide grip chins widen the lats and develop the entire shoulder girdle.…
Getting “Back” to the Basics Part 2 of 4 (See part One)
The Back. Part 1 of 4