Mon. Mar 10th, 2025


cyborg-santosThe MMA community is buzzing with the news Christiane “Cyborg” Santos has been approached by Playboy to pose, and the word on the street is she is considering taking them up on it. Speculation is that since Gina Carano turned Playboy down without hesitation, Playboy has moved on in hopes of getting MMA exposure and perhaps getting Gina to reconsider. Something about reverse psychology, but I don’t think Gina is going to be lured and we will see if the Cyborg strips down. She is having some hesitation because she confessed, “…only one man saw me naked in my entire life and I have to think deeply about that.”

On August 15th Gina Carano and Cris Santos met in the ring. Going into the fight Gina was hands down the face of MMA, but with a first round TKO, Cris the Cyborg Santos sent the “face of MMA” out of the ring with a loss and blow to the ego. Maybe this will turn the Cyborg into a cyber-hottie? It could happen.