Sat. Mar 29th, 2025
Ingrid Romero

Ingrid RomeroLike many of you, I faced some adversity and challenges growing up. Rather than defeat me, they have become a source of strength and have helped me to become the person I am today. I was born and raised in Spain near Barcelona and began modeling when I was 11 years old. From the beginning., I knew this was what I wanted to do. At 17, I left home with little else but a big suitcase filled with hopes and dreams.

My first stop was London, England. I thought I was going to be a model. As it turned out, I made sandwiches. My English just wasn’t good. After a year, the modeling career was going nowhere, so it was time to leave. I went back to Spain. Unfortunately, I did no modeling, and I gained 50 lbs. So much for that move!

My next stop was Dublin, Ireland. That’s when things began to turn around. I began working in retail. In less than a year, I lost all the weight that I had gained and resumed my modeling career. Finally, I was back on my career path.

Cancun, Mexico was next. I quickly became a very successful model. It was there that I learned my next hard lesson. Cancun is fun, but success really requires a healthy lifestyle, and I was not doing that. It was time for another change.

I came to Los Angeles and continued my modeling career. It was here in Los Angeles that I finally understood the importance of a healthy and balanced life.

I also learned that by forgiving others, I could be truly happy and move forward and reach my full potential.

It was time to get down to business. I found a trainer who was able to help me focus and put it all together – nutrition, exercise and lifestyle. I was amazed at my progress. With some advice from a friend, I decided to begin competing. I did pretty well in that first competition. Moreover, I really learned what I had to do to improve. I was hooked. I love competing and look forward to getting on stage each time.

The competitions have expanded my modeling and acting opportunities and have given me national and international exposure. I’m grateful for that. Guess I’m a long way from that overweight girl.

This next phase of my life is very exciting, and I cannot wait to see where this journey takes me.

Thanks to all of you who have helped and supported me along the way.

Gracias a todas las personas que me han ayudado y apoyado.


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