Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

As a continuation of looking at our favorite bodybuilders who have seemingly fallen off the map, FemaleMuscle is looking at Christine Roth. You can see a previous post on the beautiful Christine on FemaleMuscle. There is so little information on her, and none of it recent. But FemaleMuscle has some great pictures and links on her in the above link!

This video features Heather Polichy, Christine Roth & Daniela Sell. Daniela Sell (pictured left) is UNBELIEVABLE in this video. I started counting the plates on each of her lifts and suddenly had the urge to hit the gym.

There are many video’s out there on Deniela, but the only information I can find on her is a controversial 4th place finish at the 2008 German international nationals.