So tell me, what is it, that fascinates you guys about what muscular women have on their feet? Obviously heels can be sexy as hell, especially the proverbial f’ me pumps.
-Is it the way that a pair of 16 inch calves dance with each step?
-Or the way, heels make rock hard quads pop just standing still?
-Or is it that you like the added height that heels add to your favorite muscular lady, making her that much more intimidating for you?
-Or possibly d all the above?
So let’s look at boots. I’m really curious what you think of these muscular women and their choice of footwear. Personally, I think boots are hot! And what would make boots even hotter? Slide them on to a pair of big muscular legs. So let’s take a look at a few of the ladies I found who totally ROCK their boots.
These boots were made for flexing….
“How To Meet, Date and Seduce Athletic Women” by Lori Victoria Braun
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